ZONE TRANSFER MITIGATION 1. There a number of ways to block zone transfer to unauthorized users. Router, firewall, and DNS server configurations (e.g., in named.conf) all provide mechanisms to filter on source IP address and they should be used. However a simple, secure and flexible way to control zone file access is by using TSIGs or keys for access. The steps to do so on our DNS machine are as follows. Edit the zone file section of your /etc/bind/named.conf to look like below. key tldX-key { algorithm hmac-sha256; secret "5+ULDbQJhG0lsBM="; }; zone "tldX." IN { type master; file "/etc/bind/zonefile"; allow-transfer { key tldX-key; }; }; replacing X with your group number. 2. Generate a TSIG key: dd count=1 bs=16 if=/dev/random 2>/dev/null | openssl enc -base64 and replace "5+ULDbQJhG0lsBM=" above with what you generated. Restart the server sudo service bind9 restart 3. Test it out. dig axfr tldX @ This should have failed. Inspect end of /var/log/syslog tail /var/log/syslog Inspect end of /var/log/syslog on NOC as well - you should AXFR denied log messages there as well. 4. Now test the transfer with the key. dig -y hmac-sha256:tldX-key:"5+ULDbQJhG0lsBM=" axfr tldX @10.X.2.2 replacing "5+ULDbQJhG0lsBM=" with the key generated above. This simulates the interaction between slave and master DNS server during zone updates. 5. Detecting zone transfer attempts. On your NOC machine, create swatch_syslog.conf and cut and paste below int it. watchfor /client (.*)\43(.*)( zone transfer )'(.*)\/.XFR\/IN' denied$/ mail=tldadmin@localhost,subject=Denied AXFR for zone '$4' from $1 threshold track_by=$1,type=threshold,count=2,seconds=60 then start swatch following the syslog file. sudo swatch -c swatch_syslog.conf --tail-file=/var/log/syslog --daemon then watch your email mutt 6. From the DNS machine or elsewhere try a zone transfer dig axfr tldX @10.X.2.2 do this again. You have to d this at least twice in succession. Why? Swatch provides various tools to minimize "noise". The "threshold" statement above is one such tool where, in this case, there must be at least 2 matches in 60 seconds for an alert email to be generated.