USING SWATCH 1. Install SWATCH sudo apt-get install swatch 2. Create swatch_ulog.conf and cut and paste contents below. This can be in your home directory but in a production system it should be placed with other system configurations files, e.g., /etc/swatch.conf. watchfor /IPTables-Dropped:.*SRC=([0-9.:]+)\D+DST=([0-9.:]+).*SPT=(\d+)\D+DPT=(\d+)\D+/ mail=tldadmin@localhost,subject=Attempt to connect from $1:$3 to $2:$4 3. Run Swatch. sudo swatch -c swatch_ulog.conf --tail-file=/var/log/ulog/syslogemu.log --daemon The instructor will then run another port scan. 4. After a minute read your email on the NOC by doing mutt 5. What do you see?