ZONE TRANSFER ATTEMPT 0. If you have already setup nameservers as part of the DNS/DNSSEC workshop skip this exersize. 1. Install bind and dns tools on DNS machine (10.X.1.1): sudo apt-get install dnsutils bind9 and test dig @ What do you see? 2. Check to see if your TLD is preconfigured as it should be. dig axfr tldX @ where X=your group number. You should see a few entries including two SOA records - at beginning and end. As currently configured, anyone can get this! (try it from other machines) 3. Set up DNS logging. At end of /etc/bind/named.conf cut and paste: logging { channel transfer_log { file "log/transfer" versions 2 size 50m; print-time yes; // add timestamp the entries print-category yes; // add category name print-severity yes; // add severity level severity debug 0; // 99; // 3 print debug messages }; channel security-syslog { syslog security; severity info; }; category security { transfer_log; security-syslog; }; category xfer-in { transfer_log; security-syslog; }; category xfer-out { transfer_log; security-syslog; }; }; and to the "options" section add: recursion no; dnssec-enable yes; and remove: dnssec-validation auto; 4. Create the corresponding log directory sudo mkdir /var/cache/bind/log sudo chown bind:bind /var/cache/bind/log and restart named sudo service bind9 restart 5. Watch the syslog file: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog and on another ssh session try to transfer the zone. dig axfr tldX @ or dig axfr tldX @10.X.1.1 You should see the zonefile in its entirety.