DNS Exercise - Delegation ------------------------- In this exercise, we will create a new TLD in our root. for example: MYTLD You will create a master nameservice on your own machine, and you will get secondary service from the instructor, provided by "auth2.grpYYY.ws.nsrc.org" (YYY is the group of the instructor, which will be communicated in class). Then you will ask the administrator for the domain above you (the root) to delegate your domain to you - this is also the instructor. Note: the following should be done as the "root" superuser - use sudo -s Firstly, note that your hostname is configured correctly on your machine. Check that it is configured correctly by using the 'hostname' command - e.g. on auth1.grpXX.ws.nsrc.org, if you type: # hostname You should see: auth1.grpXX.ws.nsrc.org If NOT, then configure your server with its name: e.g. for auth1.grp25.ws.nsrc.org, type: # hostname auth1.grp25.ws.nsrc.org Remember to replace "grpXX" with the the proper group number! Edit the file /etc/rc.conf (using "vi" or "ee", i.e.: ee /etc/rc.conf), and update the "hostname": hostname="auth1.grpXX.ws.nsrc.org" In the file /etc/hosts, you should see a line: 10.10.X.1 auth1.grpXX auth1.grpXX.ws.nsrc.org Check /etc/resolv.conf to make sure it points to the class resolver and not that was set in a previous exercize. /etc/resolv.conf should look like: search ws.nsrc.org nameserver Any lines begining with "#" are ignored and may be left in place. Exercise -------- * Choose a new domain, write it down somewhere i.e.: "MYTLD" or "EARTH" - whatever you feel like. (Do NOT choose any of the PC names, e.g. `auth1.grpXX`, as your subdomain) This could for example be the name of your country code, country name, company name, etc... but REMEMBER that someone might pick the same name! First come, first serve. * Register your new domain using the classroom root zone manager at https://rzm.dnssek.org/ Username is your MYTLD Password is up to you but you must remember it for later exercizes. Click the "Signup" button. The next page is an example of a two-factor security system. Unless told by instructor, leave the "verification code" field blank and simply click "Proceed". You will be able to return to this page later to configure your security token (e.g. Google Authenticator) if desired. Click logout on the next page. You will fill the information in later. * Create your zone file in `/etc/namedb/master/MYTLD` (where MYTLD is your chosen domain) -- you can pretty much "copy and paste" the section below -- but remember to update the XXX with your IP: *** Remember, you will need to become root to create this file, *** so, e.g. *** *** $ cd /etc/namedb/master *** $ sudo vi MYTLD *** *** (feel free to use another editor instead of vi, e.g. joe, ee) - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut below - - - - - - - - - - - - $TTL 2m @ IN SOA auth1.grpXX.ws.nsrc.org. your.email.address. ( 2012022301 ; Serial 10m ; Refresh 5m ; Retry 4w ; Expire 2m ) ; Negative IN NS auth1.grpXXX.ws.nsrc.org. ; master IN NS auth2.grpYYY.ws.nsrc.org. ; slave at instructor www IN A 10.10.XXX.1 ; your own IP - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut above - - - - - - - - - - - - Replace `your.email.address.` with your home E-mail address, so that user@domain.name becomes user.domain.name XXX and YYY are the IP of your group, and your slave's, respectively. We have chosen purposely low values for TTL, refresh, and retry to make it easier to fix problems in the classroom. For a production domain you might use higher values. * Edit `/etc/namedb/named.conf` and do the following: *** Remember, you will need to become root to edit this file, *** so, e.g. *** *** $ cd /etc/namedb *** $ sudo vi named.conf *** *** (feel free to use another editor instead of vi, e.g. joe, ee) - If it is still there, REMOVE the following lines: listen-on {; }; allow-recursion {;; }; zone "." { type hint; file "/etc/namedb/named.root"; }; ... and add following lines in the options section: allow-query { any; }; recursion no; ... so that your nameserver will now answer queries from the network - Add a section to configure your machine as master for your domain, by adding something like this at the end (the bottom) of the file: zone "MYTLD" { type master; file "/etc/namedb/master/MYTLD"; also-notify { 10.10.YYY.2; }; }; Pay attention to the ';' and '}' ! * Check that your config file and zone file are valid: # named-checkconf # named-checkzone MYTLD /etc/namedb/master/MYTLD * If there are any errors, correct them ! * * Tell the instructor managing grpYYY that you need secondary service for your domain - tell them the domain and tell them what your group number is. For instance, if the domain is "COCONUT", and you are Group 5, you should write on a piece of paper COCONUT. NS auth1.grp5.ws.nsrc.org. COCONUT. NS auth2.grpYYY.ws.nsrc.org. (YYY = the group of the instructor) And give this to the instructor managing grpYYY * If this is not already done, enable named in your server's configuration, by editing the file /etc/rc.conf and adding, if this is not already done: ** Remember, again, you need to be root to edit this file named_chrootdir="" named_enable="YES" - Then start/restart named with # service named restart Check the result with # tail /var/log/messages Verify with dig that MYTLD is now configured on your host: # dig @10.10.XX.1 MYTLD. NS Where "XX" is the address of your machine. You can also check the nameserver status using rndc: # rndc status - If there are any errors, correct them. Some configuration errors can cause the daemon to die completely, in which case you may have to start it again: # /etc/rc.d/named restart * Check that you and the instructor slave at grpYYY are giving authoritative answers for your domain: # dig +norec @10.10.XXX.1 MYTLD. SOA # dig +norec @10.10.YYY.2 MYTLD. SOA Check that you get an AA (authoritative answer) from both, and that the serial numbers match. * Now you are ready to request delegation: Go to https://rzm.dnssek.org/ Login using the Username/Password you used at the begining of the exercize. Click "Proceed" Enter your nameserver, e.g., auth1.grpXX.ws.nsrc.org and IP address for it, e.g., 10.10.X.1 Click "Update". If all goes well, your entry should show up with a document icon next to it indicating it checked out and has been inserted into the root zone file. You should also see and entry with an "eye" icon indicating that another server, your slave server, was noticed. If the slave entry looks correct,e.g., it is auth2.grpYY.ws.nsrc.org, click on the "eye" to get a "check" mark and then click "Update" to also send this to the root. In a minute, your zone should be delegated. * Once you have delegation, try to resolve www.MYTLD: - On your own machine # dig @10.10.XXX.1 www.MYTLD (where MYTLD is your domain) - On someone else's machine - will it work ? # dig @ www.MYTLD (where MYTLD is your domain) This may take a bit longer due to caching of any previous negative (NXDOMAIN) results. * Add a new resource record to your zone file. Remember to update the serial number. Check that your slaves have updated. Try resolving this new name.