Building a DNS cache with BIND ------------------------------ 1. Check the version of BIND which is installed ----------------------------------------------- $ named -v BIND 9.x.x 2. Configure your AUTH1 host to accept queries from neighbors ------------------------------------------------------------- Log in to your AUTH1 host if you haven't already done so ( ssh adm@10.10.X.1 Become root sudo bash Edit the file /etc/namedb/named.conf (using vi or ee) If it still exsist, find the line: listen-on {; }; ... and REMOVE. Add the following line: allow-recursion {;; }; Double check to see that there aren't any zones configured in your DNS. For instance, if you see a line like follows: zone "" { type master; file "/etc/namedb/master/empty.db"; }; ... remove them BUT leave zone "." { type hint; file "/etc/namedb/named.root"; }; and save the file. NOTE: Be careful about the semicolons ';' and braces { } - BIND will complain if they are not placed correctly By removing the line "listen-on ..." and adding the line "allow-recursion", we are telling BIND: - please listen to the network for queries, not only on the local interface ""; - please allow clients in the to send queries to me, as well as myself; 3. Restart the cache and check it is running -------------------------------------------- If you haven't done so earlier, edit `/etc/rc.conf` and add two lines saying: named_chrootdir="" named_enable="YES" NOTE: We would normally not turn off chroot, which is a security mechanism, but we need to do this here in the lab, because of restrictions from the virtualization environment. In a production environment, we wouldn't do this. Then run these commands: # service named stop # service named start # ps auxwww | grep named # tail /var/log/messages Check for successful startup with no error messages (you can ignore errors about missing `master/localhost.rev` and `master/localhost-v6.rev`, as well as messages regarding managed-keys-zone) 4. Reconfigure your resolver to use your own cache only ------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't done so earlier, edit `/etc/resolv.conf` as follows (remember to use sudo !) Remove any existing 'nameserver' lines, or comment them out by inserting '#' at the front. is the loopback address; that is, an IP address which means 'send the packet to myself', and we'll use it as our nameserver: search nameserver Now save and exit. 5. Test resolution ------------------ Issue a query, for instance: $ dig NS $ dig A For each query: 1. Is the server responding ? 2. How do you know that you are talking to your OWN server ? 3. What do you notice ? If your neighbour has got their cache working, then try sending some queries to their cache: $ dig @10.10.X.1 ... where XXX is the IP of the machine in the class you want to send the query to, and "" is the query you would like to perform. Try and make some of the same queries you did before. Do the nameservers of the other machines answer you ? Are you getting answers ? What about for ? Why ? Help your neighbours to get their cache working if required. 6. Make sure you can resolve hostnames in the class --------------------------------------------------- Ping other PCs in the room, where X is 1-32: $ ping $ ping $ ping 7. Watch the cache in operation ------------------------------- You can take a snapshot of the cache contents like this: # ln -s /var/named/var/dump /var/dump # /usr/sbin/rndc dumpdb # less /var/named/var/dump/named_dump.db (Don't do this on a busy cache - you will generate a huge dump file!) You can watch the cache making queries to the outside world using `tcpdump` in a different window (log in again via SSH): # tcpdump -n -s1500 -i eth0 udp port 53 If your ethernet interface isn't named `eth0`, then use the name of your ethernet interface - e.g. `em0` or `bge0` - run "ifconfig" to find out what your ethernet interface is named. CTRL-C to exit tcpdump. While tcpdump is running, in the first window flush your cache (so it forgets all existing data) and then issue some queries from another window. # rndc flush # dig -- and watch tcpdump output. What do you see? # dig -- watch tcpdump again. This time? NOTE: that we now have enabled BIND to be recursive! So we will want to remember this, and maybe turn off recursion later, since we have explained that running recursive and authoritative on the same server is not a good idea.